New website, new mats, new energy...

There have been quite a few changes lately - and some of them are hard not to notice!  The new mats are in and have brought a new energy to the studio. The mats have a nicer feel, won't swell in the summer heat, and transition better for fewer caught toes. And, of course, the vibrant color really pops!

We have also launched a new web site and are interested in what you think about it. We are taking advantage of a new hosting platform and content engine that will bring some new features that we are pretty excited about:

  • First the web site engine is mobile friendly, so you should be able to navigate around it as easily on your tablets and phone as you do from your computer.
  • The engine natively supports subscriptions, making it easy to sign-up. Once signed up, you'll automatically receive notifications when content on the web site changes (e.g., schedule changes, new posts, etc.).
  • We are playing around with a couple different schedule views - trying to make the schedule (and schedule exceptions) as easy to keep track of as possible - coupled with the notifications, keeping track of the holiday schedule will be easier than ever.
  • The site can be switched between a light and dark theme - which can make things easier on the eyes.
  • Content is easier to add, helping keep the web site fresh and relevent as we move forward.

So, click around and kick the tires - and let us know what you think!

Drop me a mail at